36 ITALIAN GRAMMAB EXERCISE VI bwlEllo school-janitor pigro lazy classe /. class studeate m. student c*£ there is traduzione /. translation ci sono there are verso line of poetry no no aperto open, opened ora now chiuso closed perche? why? difficile difficult perche because, for facile easy quando when grande large, big, great se if intelligente intelligent si yes A. (1) Continue the following throughout the singular and plural: 1. Non preferisco io nulla? Non preferisci tu nulla? etc. 2. Io non apro nessuna finestra, etc. 3. Io non pulisco mai la lavagna, etc, 4. Seguo la regola io? etc. 5. Non prendo io niente ? etc* 6. Io non ascolto n£ Alberto n£ Arturo, etc. (2) Translate into Italian: 1. I don't open any door. 2. They have neither books nor exercise books* 3. She never understands. 4. We don't prefer anything. 5. He has no brothers. 6. She hasn't any uncle. 7. These lessons are never difficult. 8. Why does she never close the windows? 9. Mary has neither father nor mother. 10. No- body leams. 11. They don't look at anything. 12. You (TOI) speak neither Italian nor German. (3) Mdte ihe nouns in the following sentences singular or plimrf: 1. Non abbiamo matite. 2. Non leggo nessun libro. 3* Non imparo nessuna poesia. 4. Non recitiamo verbi. 5. Voi non usate pezzi di gesso. 6. Non compriamo qua- derni. 7. Non ascolto nessun raceonto. 8. Essinonusano nessuna penna. (4) Count from 1 to 12. Count from 12 to 1.